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Tag Archives: syllabi

  1. Seminar on Military Power: New Syllabus August 27, 2014

    Posted in national security, teaching, war.

    rev="post-2950" No comments
  2. M.A. Seminar on IR Concepts & Theories January 10, 2014

    Posted in IR theory, teaching.

    rev="post-2867" No comments
  3. Lecture on the Balance of Power: New Syllabus January 9, 2014

    Posted in IR theory, national security, teaching.

    rev="post-2859" No comments
  4. Courses Spring 2012 January 9, 2012

    Posted in education, teaching, uncategorized.

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  5. Courses Spring 2011 January 12, 2011

    Posted in education, teaching.

    rev="post-1909" No comments